Digital Health Awards 2020
Get Ready for the UCSF Digital Health Awards 2020!
300 Technology Disclosures in 365 Days
With 300 technology disclosures by the close of fiscal year 2019, UCSF Innovation Ventures has logged 25% more disclosures than our previous best.
Gilead to Acquire a Nearly 50% Interest in UCSF Startup
Gilead Sciences set to acquire a 49.9% equity interest in Max Krummel's Pionyr Immunotherapeutics for $275 Million.
FDA Approves UCSF ADHD Therapy for Kids
FDA approves technology based on UCSF neurology professor Adam Gazzaley, that is used in the form of a kids video game to help children suffering from ADHD learn to focus.
Pliant Therapeutics Goes Public
Pliant Therapeutics, founded on UCSF's Drs. Dean Sheppard and William DeGrado's technology to develop therapies for the treatment of fibrosis, successfully filed their initial public offering with the FDC.
RAN Collaboration Enters Round 2.0
The RAN consortium comprising research groups including UCSF, the University of Chicago and the University of Toronto have entered into a second research collaboration with Bristol Myers Squibb.
Citizen Science Study to Help Fight COVID-19
Using the Eureka Mobile Research Platform, UCSF has launched a world-wide study to track COVID-19 symptoms, infections, risk factors and behaviors that might impact spread.
Stopping COVID 19 With CRISPR
Dr. Charles Chui, infectious disease expert at UCSF, is working on a quick diagnostic test for the deadly coronavirus using CRISPR technology.
New Genomic Tests to Diagnose Deadly Infections Faster
Rapid genomic tests are poised to change the way doctors diagnose and treat infections
From the Lab to the Bedside
iOS 13再见!iOS随意降级工具快来了~_系统升级:2021-11-25 · 目前iOS系统功能已经基本完善,因此大家对iOS越狱的需求好像也没有那么早期那么强烈了,反而都把注意都集中到了iOS系统的降级上。该作者发布了一条最新推特称:降级工具ReRa1n将会在近 …
InVest In Ourselves...
The UCSF InVent Fund is open for business! Innovation Ventures supports faculty whose inventions would benefit from licensing to new or established companies with the expertise and funding to develop those further.

UCSF Innovation Ventures and COVID-19 Technologies

With the elevated danger of COVID-19, UCSF Innovation Ventures’ approach to engagement reflects the University’s position on doing our best to share our technology far and wide, for maximum public benefit. Our team is prioritizing all COVID-19 technologies. We are directing our resources to the projects identified by our leadership as those of greatest importance. UCSF has many assets and we will do all we can to help marshal them, including our active search for the best opportunities our team can find to advance the University’s healthcare discoveries. This requires we keep an open mind and an entrepreneurial spirit. Where we are assured of our faculty’s support – and that it is in the best interest of our funders and the technology – we will adopt an ‘open access’ approach to help distribute our technologies as widely as possible. Where we can we will direct our energies in the most practical manner to support our researchers as they work to make an impact.


At this momentous time let us call this commitment our “best practices” in the struggle. May our efforts be rewarded with a technology that will benefit all of us.


Anthony Francis

Executive Director

Office of Technology Management

UCSF Innovation Ventures.







Who We Are

Translational technology development and commercialization is a complex process because every project is unique. Innovation Ventures is dedicated to helping the UCSF community navigate those complexities by working up-close with our research faculty and promising students to really understand their science. We have a single purpose and that is to support the transition of UCSF innovation out of the lab and into the marketplace as more fully developed therapies, with a greater confidence of success. Whether evaluating a new discovery, securing funding, seeking external partnerships, or starting new companies, Innovation Ventures is here to facilitate protection, development, and commercialization of novel and valuable healing inventions.
